
ürituse plakat

11. aprilli seminaril käsitletakse Läti ja Põhja- Kataloonia folkloorifestivale


Kutsume teid kuulama katalaani teadlast dr Aleida Bertrani, kes kõneleb oma ettekandes rahvusvahelistest folkfestivalidest ning võrdleb omavahel festivale Lätis ja Põhja- Kataloonias: "International folk festivals, nation-building and transnationalism: A comparative study between Latvia and Northern Catalonia".

Seminariga saab ühineda siin: http://bit.ly/4cCPxUJ

Aleida Bertrani on uurinud lähemalt Baltica rahvusvahelist folkloorifestivali ja Cereti International Sardana Festivali Kataloonias, mis on huvipakkuvad just kultuuripiiride uuringute vaatenurgast.
Esitlus annab ülevaate selliste festivalide võimalustest kiireks rahvustunde loomiseks rahvusliku (taas)ärkamise perioodidel ning kollektiivse mälu ja mäletamise paikadena poliitiliselt stabiilsematel aegadel.
Lektori uuring põhineb välitöödel ja arhiiviuuringutel, mis viidi läbi doktoriõpingute raames Läti Kultuuriakadeemias aastatel 2018–2021.



The rise of cultural nationalism across many regions of Europe between the late 18th and 19th century led to new forms of national and cultural identity expression and self-definition, including folklore. This presentation draws parallelism on the cultural nationalism pathways between Latvia and Northern Catalonia (Eastern Pyrenees) to develop a basis for understanding the role of postmodern international folk festivals with a political agenda in the regions from the mid-20th century until contemporary times. It examines the International Folklore Festival Baltica and the International Sardana Festival of Ceret through the lens of transnationalism and the emerging field of Cultural Border Studies. The presentation also offers an insight into the potential of this festival typology as an instrument for the rapid building of national sentiments in periods of high socio-political activity and as sites of collective memory and commemoration in more stable phases. The study is grounded on fieldwork and archival research undertaken as doctoral research at the Latvian Academy of Culture between 2018 and 2021.

Join the meeting: http://bit.ly/4cCPxUJ

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