Seminar etnilistest naljadest (tšuktši anekdootidest)

Seminar etnilistest naljadest (tšuktši anekdootidest)


Guillem12. aprillil peab järjekordsel folkloristika osakonna ja Eesti-uuringute Tippkeskuse seminaril ettekande Guillem Castañar etnilistest naljadest (peamiselt tšuktši anekdootidest).

1970. aastatel kujunesid toonases Nõukogude Liidus etniliste naljade tegelasteks millegipärast tšuktšid. Anekdoodid olid jätkuvalt populaarsed ka pärast NL lagunemist. Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi doktorandina on Guillem uurinud niisuguseid anekdoote Eesti Rahvaluule Arhiivi kogutud andmete põhjal. Ettekandes tehakse sissevaade vene anekdoodipärimuse arengusse väljaspool Venemaad ning esitatakse üldisemaid tähelepanekuid Nõukogude perioodi järgse sõnalise huumori kohta.

Seminar toimub MS Teamsis: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

Seminari toetab teadusprojekt EKM 8-2/20/3 ning Euroopa Liit Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi kaudu (Eesti-uuringute Tippkeskus TK145)

Info: Mare Kalda


On April 12th at 11 AM (Estonian time) Guillem Castañar will give a talk about the evolution of post-Soviet verbal humour.

In the 1970s, the Chukchi became a popular target of ethnic jokes in the Soviet Union. Their widespread popularity did not fade after the collapse of the USSR. On the contrary, during the 1990s this people of the Russian Far North became one of the staples of ethnic jokelore in post-Soviet Russia. They also thrived in newly independent Estonia, where they fared in Russian- as well as Estonian-language jokes. This presentation aims to detect the changes and continuities that have undergone post-Soviet Chukchi anecdotes outside Russia, specifically in the Republic of Estonia. Two sets of Chukchi jokes –in Estonian and Russian– from the 1990s are analysed. All the data comes from archives and databases of the Estonian Literary Museum. It is hoped that this analysis can provide some insight into the development of the Russian jokelore outside the Russian Federation and the evolution of post-Soviet verbal humour.
Key words: ethnic jokes, post-soviet, Chukchi

Guillem Castañar was awarded a Estophilus scholarship at the end of last year. He has been working on Russian-language, joke-related archival material at the Estonian Literary Museum for the last two months under the supervision of Liisi Laineste.

The Lecture takes place as a part of the seminars of the Department of Folkloristics (ELM) and is supported by the Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies (TK-145).

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