Educational programs

Lapsed lugemas
Photo Piret Voolaid, ELM


The Estonian Literary Museum offers a variety of museum programs for schoolchildren: on biographies and life histories, folk music and dance, and folk calendar.

Starting in 2025, the museum will offer programs on the history of literary culture as part of the Estonian Book 500 theme year. In the winter of 2025, a lecture series on the literary group “Siuru” will be available to secondary school students.

Stay tuned for announcements! 

Programs (in Estonian):

More information about our educational programs and study tours:

Astrid Tuisk,, phone: 7377731, phone: 5212457


Haridusprogramm Puka koolile. Foto: A. Tuisk
Educational program for Puka school. Photo: A. Tuisk


Rahvakalendri haridusprogramm, Getter, Mathilda (kostüümis) ja Natali (pilliga). Foto: A. Tuisk
Folk calendar educational program, Getter, Mathilda (in costume) and Natali (with instrument).Photo: A. Tuisk



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